Must Love Crows
Must Love Crows Podcast
Going to the next level

Going to the next level

Astro energy update + a free offering

Hey everyone 👋

You’ll find within this recording a bit of insight into the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction happening tonight. Specifically this core theme of an unforseen boon that relieves constipation (literally & figuratively).

It can be a “thank the Lord” kinda archetypal interchange within a key area of life. Have a look to what house it lands in your chart. Contact me if you aren’t sure how to do that. Or just look at what’s been happening in your life lately. It’s hard to hide from the theme!

The key with this energy is to not argue with what’s coming through. Uranian energy can be incredibly dogmatic - “it can only happen this way!” If we feel untrusting of life, we might assign whatever is coming through as bad or wrong, simply because we don’t have total control. It is often quite hard to see the blessing in the twitching an act of immense change inspires in the body.

It helps if we actively choose to make changes. It says to the aether that we are willing to evolve. Life likes it when we do this - it tends to reward the courage.

So in honor of the “let’s take it to the next level!!” energy culiminating at 9:26 pm PST tonight, I’ve recorded some mini archetypal readings.

I’ve been wanting to do something like this for a while. And since this astrology is all about embracing change, deviating from the norm & following what makes you feel expansive, even if it is unpredictable, I’ve decided to practice what I preach and share something that feels freeing, yet a bit weird & uncomfortable to share in this format at the same time ⚡️ (sometimes, the thing we’re meant to do the most is the thing we are most resistant to doing!)

Have a listen to some of my thoughts on the energy of the right now via this recent podcast.

Or deviate from that plan and head straight to the readings below. Choose a color & you’ll be taken to my website where the audio recordings are stored.

Chat soon,






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Must Love Crows
Must Love Crows Podcast
musings about healing the mind & body, expanding consciousness, the ways we relate to each other, & how the archetypes of the planets manifest in our minds, bodies & the world around us.