Must Love Crows
Must Love Crows Podcast
Retaining for the path instead of the past

Retaining for the path instead of the past

Super new moon in Taurus - May 7th 2024 8:23 PM PST
New moon in Taurus on May 7th at 8:23 pm, PST.

Some refer to this as a super moon. This is because the moon is at perigee - close to the earth. Which means it’s stirring up the tides of earth and its inhabitants (!!)

It’s also next level because of all the planets in Taurus. Which means the intention we set (after 8:24 pm pst)) can be used to help us take practical steps toward actualizing the “whoa! I did NOT see that coming!” insights we’ve recently received.

We are not as far away from what we are searching for as we might think.

Trust me when I say this. You can do it now, as is, while also setting an intention to make said thing even more stable, moving forward.

We just have to make amends with the past and how it affects our capacity to believe in our resourcefulness.

There’s what matters now vs what matters based upon the influence of the past.

Said another way - the conditioning, the way we view our resources just needs to be tweaked a little. Then we’re really on our way. And quickly!

Deviate by valuing what you have already got within you. That matters. ‘Cause there’s a lot to work with! Your value is built in.

Enjoy this audio recording of what to me felt like one of my more rambling recordings.

But hey - I stayed the course. That’s what matters most.



Must Love Crows
Must Love Crows Podcast
musings about healing the mind & body, expanding consciousness, the ways we relate to each other, & how the archetypes of the planets manifest in our minds, bodies & the world around us.